Email Localisation: How to Globally Get it Right - Creative Word

According to the Radicati Group, a massive 205 billion emails are sent every day around the globe, so it is essential that what you intend to communicate comes across accurately and precisely.

To get the most from your centralised global email it is vital to understand language nuances, ensure localization is correctly utilised, and assess the influence of your email programme.

Following the guidelines below you can ensure that your global email localization will be successful.

Think small

We are all used to thinking on immense, global levels in today’s fast paced, interconnected world. However, to ensure your email localisation is more than just adequate it is necessary to consider not only national localisation but also regional localisation.

Large countries such as India, Brazil or China can have vast regional differences that will make a national localisation strategy ineffective. Instead, think on a smaller level and target your localisation to allow for a unique understanding of each region. Your company presence, brand and marketing will be more successful if they are unique to the area and therefore, consumers, within that specific locale.

Find a localisation company with experts who can assist you in your understanding of national and also, local markets.

Be inclusive to your in-market team

Having a team who know how your international customers will view your product (or your email promoting your product) is essential. If you have an in-market team, use them!

They will understand niche marketing for specific locations as they are familiar with the region, its people and the branding of your competitors.

If you are a U.K based company that is targeting a Dubai market, don’t allow your English team to control the content of emails sent to Dubai. Instead, include your Dubai team, or respective agencies, in the review process and ensure that no painful, or costly mistakes are made.

A good localisation provider should integrate your in-market experts throughout the review process, substantiating your comprehension of international, regional and local markets.

Centralise your ordering

A centralised, cloud based ordering system is indispensable in reducing costs, correctly assessing spending and workflow, and will enable you to increase opportunities for aggregation and volume purchasing.

When translating, or localising, centralised ordering can enable a re-use of some translated assets and decrease unnecessary spending.

Monitor your email campaign on a global, regional and local level

If you are marketing on a global scale through an email campaign it is vital to track your success at all levels. Looking only at the campaign level will prohibit a greater understanding of the effectiveness of the campaign.

To be responsive to market trends and customer preferences you need to assess the achievement of your campaign at local levels which will give a better insight into what works and, more importantly, what doesn’t. Setting clear metrics for local markets, maintained by a vendor that supports this, is key to understanding your success in specific regions.

Global email localisation is vital in gaining the competitive edge. An advanced email campaign that reaches out to consumers at a local level, with clear relevance, is an essential element driving customer satisfaction. It is worth noting that 6.1% of email users will make a purchase based upon an email received on a mobile device, so ensure it is your email they act upon by utilising global email localisation.