Cross Cultural Training Services
Creative Word is your go-to Training Agency in the UK
Working with people from other countries can be difficult and frustrating at times, because of different cultural backgrounds and accepted business norms.
Everyone is conditioned by culture, understanding and appreciating it breaks down barriers and opens horizons for your business.
At Creative Word we have a team of expert trainers ready to help you to discover cross cultural, communicational and operational differences. We offer a comprehensive service which covers a vast range of countries, cultures, skills and sectors.
From team building to time management, we are experts in training your team with the necessary expertise and skills to be most effective in their roles.

Types of Cultural Awareness Courses
For people wanting to understand the cultural nuances of a specific country.
Expatriate Relocation
We prepare international assignees and their families to live abroad.
Management and Leadership
We help managers to develop their leadership skills within an intercultural framework.
Team Building Courses
We are committed to assisting businesses to make the most of our cross cultural team.
Cultural Competence
We train people to work across cultures and have a good understanding of working styles.
Sales & Communication
We offer first-class cross cultural courses to build awareness of intercultural differences.
Negotiation Courses
We provide first-class negotiation training courses to negotiate effectively with different cultures.
Our Customer Services Courses look how to provide excellence working with different cultures.
Look No Further. Contact Us to find out how we can help.

Our Trainers
At Creative Word our trainers come with a wealth of experience and knowledge and are experts in delivering general and bespoke training programmes.
With at least 10 years’ experience, our trainers are experts in dealing with all the challenges of live training.
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