Solid Strategies for Securing International Success - Creative Word

No matter how successful your firm is within its national market, international success demands different strategies as overseas customers and markets often have diverse requirements and expectations.

Business strategies which proved beneficial at home might not suit global customers who speak another language and prefer to use different social media platforms, or new territories which have particular legislations and restrictions.

Before embarking on a costly (and potentially flawed) international campaign check out our solid strategies below for securing international success.



The Challenge of International Trading

The perks of international trading are obvious (which is why firms do it) but there are unique challenges which only apply to international trading and which, if ignored, will cost you money, time and kudos.

Once the decision to go global has been made, the market research and background work you do will pay dividends in the long run.

Understanding how each market is unique will help you to navigate the potential pitfalls and will be the key to international success.

The most common challenges are linked to language and culture – if foreign customers can’t understand your products, marketing campaigns and website, or you inadvertently cause offence through a culturally inappropriate ad, you risk impeding your growth and potential international success.



Strategies for International Success

Here at Creative Word, we have been helping our clients build a successful international presence for almost two decades and have worked with high-profile firms that expect accuracy and reliability, as standard.

With this level of experience, we are able to offer practical solutions and effective strategies for international success.


1. Language

Language barriers are often the first stumbling point for many businesses expanding into international markets.

They can cause problems for B2B and B2C and often impact the following:

• Meetings (face-to-face and virtual)

• Communication (with customers, suppliers and so on, via email, ad or other means)

• Websites

• Customer services

• Understanding regulations, legislation and legal responsibilities

• Sales


• Social media

• Recruitment

• Business deals

• Packaging and product labelling

• Mobile Apps

• Marketing

Overcoming the language barrier increases your chance of success in foreign markets with research suggesting that language skills can increase sales opportunities by a staggering 72%.

In order for a business to reach its full potential in a foreign market, it must be able to effectively communicate with its clients and partners.

Accurately and effectively promoting your brand on social media platforms, marketing your products or services via your website or dealing with overseas staff training, all require quality translations.

Using a professional Language Services Provider (LSP) such as, Creative Word, to partner with on language projects gives you access to qualified, experienced translators who understand the nuances linked to your language choice as they are native speakers.

Our translators often have additional industry experience or qualifications so they really understand your business too.

They can help with translating websites, creating multilingual marketing campaigns, localising apps or interpreting at meetings, as well as highly-technical translations or legal translations.


2. Culture

Although culture is always evolving, it affects every part of our daily lives, and is linked to our core beliefs, attitudes and values.

When doing business in an international market, culture can affect factors such as:

• Working days and hours of work

• Holiday seasons and celebrations

• Business etiquette

• Sales techniques

• Colour choice

• Brand values

• Purchasing habits

• Business pace

• Organisational hierarchy

• Marketing

• Distribution

• Business relationships

It is vital that cultural differences and the impact they will have on trading and business in more general terms, is fully understood before you go international.

A firm which chooses to disregard cultural implications is less likely to succeed as research shows that 64% of consumers want brands to connect with them.

To connect with consumers you must gain their trust and earn their respect – no easy task if you don’t understand their culture and society, or speak their language!

Similarly, many firms make the mistake of assuming that if a region speaks the same language, they must be the same culturally too.

This is not always the case.

For instance, if you wanted to expand into an Arabic speaking market you would need to consider the location and dialect.

There are many Arabic dialects (including at least 6 main ones) which vary considerably in their spoken form and which have (along with historical and social influences) contributed to subtle changes in culture which must be accounted for when doing business there.

Some Arab nations have had more interaction with the West, so are more accepting of Western culture, while others are far stricter.

Achieving cultural integration for your brand when entering a foreign market is a vital component of international success and can be more easily achieved in partnership with a professional LSP.

Moving into an international business market means firms must learn to adapt to their new surroundings if they wish to be successful.

Partnering with a LSP will provide your firm with the support it needs and ensure that all your translation and localisation needs are professionally fulfilled.

For more advice on the services we offer, click here. Alternatively, please contact us and we can discuss your specific requirements.